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Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween: The Aftermath

Hello fellow ghouls!

Just wanted to give you guys an update as to what is happening here at

This Halloween was crazy! The combination of increased order volume and moving into a bigger store on the Guide Meridian had us running around with our heads cut off!

The rush is finally over though and our award for most popular product this year goes to... THE WIG CAP! An extremely necessary and functional item! 2nd place goes to the Sexy Wizard Wanda Costume! A very attractive outfit indeed. And 3rd place goes to the Darth Vader Gloves! Alot of aspiring Sith out there.

We at what to thank you for a truly awesome Halloween!

See y'all next year!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Webcaster

The Webcaster
Sneak Peek

So we just got this in at SpookShop and I have to say it is one of the coolest decorative gadgets I have seen in a long time! It is called the Webcaster. Now with a name like that you would instantly think of Spiderman, and you wouldn't be far off in thinking so. The Webcaster is a compressed air web applicator that makes decorating a snap! All you have to do is hook it up to a compressor, plug it in and then decide what color web you want.

Here are some pics of the gun in action, and what kind of results you can get.

Links will be up as soon as we upload the items to the site!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Halloween 2007 - The Rundown

So I went and watched Rob Zombie's take on John Carpenters classic Halloween this Friday and was slightly disappointed to say the least.

The first 30 minutes of the movie were excellent as young Meyer's horrific childhood was developed. Zombie did a great job building up the soon to be psychopathic tendencies and then lulled me into deep sleep for the remaining hour, with round after round of gory slashing.

I realize that is was touted as a slasher film, but I could have done with fewer fatalities in exchange for more well though out executions. Even my girlfriend was predicting his moves; shame on you Mr. Meyers.

Watch the trailer:

Rotten Tomatoes review - Halloween 2007

Hello World!

The first post of the blog. Under construction. Check back soon...